Tottenham and Tenterden
The Revd Thomas Roberts A.M.

The Roberts - Constable family with notes on Austen and Windsor

The Constable - Curtis family

St Peters Cornhill

Tottenham and Tenterden

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At the time that Fr Thomas Roberts served at All Hallows as Vicar, Tottenham was, essentially, the High Road and not much else. It has been remarked, from a review of the church registers, that Tottenham came to be regarded as "something of a fashionable place in which to marry—a high proportion of the entries, right up until 1837, are for well-to-do outsiders, some from surprisingly far away."

For more details on Tottenham, including historical images, see:

Notes on Tenterden are included in the introduction to a compilation of monumental inscriptions at St Mildred's Tenterden; and in a short history given in the town's official web site:




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